Call for Papers

The objective of IoT-ASAP 2020 is, once again, to bring together researchers and practitioners from several areas (e.g., Architecture, IoT, Service-Oriented Computing, Self-Adaptive Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Data Analytics, User Interaction and Experience) and have a very interactive woking workshop with the aim to deepen and consolidate the latest R&D trends, principles, challenges of, and (interdisciplinary) approaches for engineering IoT systems.

Topics related to IoT Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms include but are not limited to:

  • Design approaches for IoT systems
  • Architectural interoperability in IoT systems
  • Quality aspects in the IoT (e.g., runtime dependability, assurances, validation, verification, privacy, security)
  • Self-adaptation and context-awareness in the IoT
  • User requirements specification and engineering for smart user-interactions in the IoT
  • Discovery, composition and analysis of (intelligent) services, applications and things
  • Engineering for emergent behavior/properties in the IoT
  • (Continuous) deployment, composition, and monitoring in the IoT
  • Autonomous agents and multi-agent IoT architectures, e.g., collaboration, coordination, reasoning, collective intelligence
  • Model-driven engineering for IoT systems
  • Frameworks and middleware for the IoT
  • Cloud and Edge Computing for the IoT
  • Data analytics and machine learning for the IoT
  • State-of-practice, experience reports, industrial experiments, and case studies in the IoT
  • Simulation techniques and tools for the IoT
  • Interdisciplinary approaches for building and adapting IoT systems
  • Formal methods for IoT systems
Application areas include - but are not limited to:
  • Smart Home, Smart Living
  • Smart Cities, Smart Transportation, Smart Energy
  • Smart Health, Smart Learning
  • Industry 4.0 / Industrial Internet
  • System of IoT Systems


We welcome conceptual research papers as well as case study papers (12-14 pages CCIS format). The papers must follow ECSA 2020 technical papers formatting guidelines and be submitted via EasyChair.

Paper submission deadline: June 24 July 05, 2020

To contact the organizers, send an email to romina.spalazzese[ AT ]mau[ DOT ]se or marie.platenius-mohr[ AT ]de[ DOT ]abb[ DOT ]com.

Download the Call for Papers as PDF version