4th International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms
September 15, 2020, L'Aquila, Italy
co-located with 14th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2020)
August 07, 2020: We are happy to announce, that this year's IoT-ASAP will join the SASI4 and CASA workshops! The sessions will take place on September 15, fully virtually. The registration via the ECSA website will open soon.
June 30, 2020: The paper submission deadline has been extended to July 05!
To exploit all the benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT), a wide range of challenges needs to be addressed. The objective of IoT-ASAP 2020, Third International Workshop on Engineering IoT systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms, is again to bring together researchers and practitioners from several areas (e.g., Architecture, Internet of Things (IoT), Service-Oriented Computing, Self-Adaptive Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Data Analytics, User Interaction and Experience) to investigate and discuss the latest R&D trends, principles, challenges of, and (interdisciplinary) approaches for engineering IoT systems.
According to official emails and messages (e.g., see below), we are ready to handle the different scenarios that might apply in mid-September due to COVID-19. See program for more information.